ThePool Completes the Rebranding and Launches Sidechain Projects
ThePool, forging delegate since 2016 and now ranked 34th, announced the launch of a new website and the foundation of a company that is focused on the development of Lisk sidechain applications.
ThePool delegate is a team of individuals from around the world and is one of the few independent forging delegates, supported by over 52 million LSK (equal to € 59 million) and that already forged more than 83 thousand blocks on the main chain.
ThePool delegate maintains three dedicated servers, each of them hosted by a different provider in a different geographic area (Canada, United States, United Kingdom).
The delegate’s activites covered different fields: at the beginning the efforts were focused on bug identification, reporting and debugging of the Lisk codebase, as well as maintaining Lisk nodes. Then, the team started to develop applications and tools, including the popular, which monitors node statistics and block propagation across the Lisk network in real-time. According to their Github profile, the group developed also a wallet manager for Trezor Lisk accounts, an interface to interact with Lisk network via PHP, CLI Tool and library for php projects and Lisk pending transaction viewer.
Now that initial versions of the Lisk SDK have been released, ThePool’s primary objective is to develop Lisk sidechain applications while maximizing incentives to voters by rewarding ThePool voters with tokens from sidechains ThePool develops.
The announcement of first Lisk sidechain application is expected to be in Q3 2019, while the launch of the testnet version of the first PoC Blockchain App will be in the last period of that year. The launch of the mainnet of the first Lisk dApp depends largely on Lisk-SDK development and should be in 2020.
The group is especially interested in the development of autonomous decentralized companies, where shares and profit rights in organizations are represented by Lisk sidechain tokens. The consensus of those sidechains is expected to be based on a customization of the default consensus module provided by Lisk Core. They will also work to get those tokens listed on the most famous centralized exchanges, but their ultimate goal is to list sidechain coins on decentralized exchanges based on Lisk.
In relation to the token sales, coin distribution will be divided among ThePool voters, private investors, and ThePool development team. Token sales will be held privately probably in 2020, with a minimum investment from $50.000 to 150.000 and after AML and KYC procedures.
Thepool now stops supporting financially standby delegates and hard working individuals and no more reward should be expected for running liskstats software.
ThePool has also created a dedicated Discord channel here:
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